Much has been said & written about eco-tourism and what tour operators do for the environment and wildlife. It appears that many organizations, however remotely involved, use the eco-tourism concept as a marketing tool. As a result, the term has become just another buzzword and lost its true and potentially noble meaning.
FACT SAFARIS LTD takes its contribution to sustainable tourism very seriously. We have listed concepts / projects which we are involved and let you know where some of your money will be utilized

My husband and I met John Mamai on our first Safari to Kenya in November 2010. His guiding skills and knowledge of what photographers need were outstanding. His personal commitment to conservation and inclusion of local people to build a sustainable environment and economic stability impressed us. When we started to plan for our return trip in November 2012 we had absolutely no hesitation in choosing FACT Safaris a fledgling company. We met Thomas by email. He communicated with us for over one year answering all our questions and planning our customized itinerary with attention to every detail. Thomas, John and Francis were all at the airport to welcome us back to Kenya. The warmth of John, Francis and Thomas is priceless.

The Mighty Warriors Football Club was founded in 2015 to promote environmental awareness and nurturing football skills in Maasai young warriors for livelihood survival options. The club is registered with Football Kenya Federation (FKF) Laikipia Sub- branch in Laikipia County.
The club aims to enlighten the Laikipia North community (through Sports – Soccer) the importance and need of a clean and healthy environment for a sustainable livelihood. Plastic use and eventual disposal continue to pose a serious threat to a clean environment, both livestock and wildlife survival. The club will therefore work with like-minded organizations, local communities, schools and other stake holders towards a better understanding & appreciation of the links between people and their environment.
Fact Safaris is privileged to partner with this warriors in pursuit of achieving their objectives.

The Twala Cultural Center is a community-support program started by the Uaso Ngiro Baboon Project for the women of Il Polei village in Laikipia District, North of Kenya.
The women group aims at empowering women economically through various projects within their enterprise i.e. Bee keeping, Aloe Vera production, bead work, resource center, ecotourism products i.e. Walking with Baboons; Walking with Maasai and their livestock and Plant & nature Walks and other ecologically sound enterprise development projects (e.g. Opuntia fruit syrup). FACT SAFARIS works with Twala Women Group in planning cultural safaris that promote the role of women in development initiatives and an opportunity to understand the role of the Maasai culture towards environmental conservation in a traditional context. If you would like to see first-hand how these initiatives shape the conservation ideas of future generations for Kenyans, we could visit Twala Women as part of your safari.

Fact Safaris Ltd works with schools environmental clubs, women and youth groups through the provision of indigenous tree seedlings for planting. Periodically, incentives will be awarded to such groups or clubs that demonstrates exemplary performance in taking care of the environment (trees) to motivate them in promoting the mission of this program in restoring degraded land.
We strongly believe that the sustainability of life in all perspectives resolves around a healthy and vibrant environment. This can only be achieved if we take care of our forest cover by planting & nurturing trees…
We are privileged to be based and work in some of the planets most pristine, delicate and valuable country sides. It is our moral duty to ensure that our activities protect the land and its environment for the long term sustainability. We also need to ensure that skills and material benefits accrue to the communities who live adjacent to these conservation areas to ensure that these people have the incentive to nurture the land.
At FACT SAFARIS LTD, we are driven to ensure that whatever we do never compromises the integrity of the conservation areas and that all our actions / decisions add value, to enhance & protect these wonderful resources.
One of our core beliefs is that the villagers and communities who live in or border wildlife areas have key conservation roles and undeniable rights. In the next 20 years, these communities will control the density of wild places and wildlife. This already is evident in some of our conservation areas. It is therefore critical that these people are brought into the mainstream of conservation and tourism to ensure that the future of their communities and the regions fauna & flora is sustainable.
Our challenge is to ensure that our interaction with the local people helps instill an ethic of land stewardship and conservation practices for present and future generations.